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To be Delivered Upon my Demise

Hey, Bob and Dawn, I don’t know if this is legit. Jake Arthur is (was?) a reporter for The Stranger. He was working on a story about the homeless encampments in the Jungle. I know someone who knows him. Anyway, this Jake guy started acting a little strange, apparently…

Jake Arthur

From The Vashon Island Spirit: Aerie Farms Goes Silent

Island residents who make use of Cemetery Road on their way to work may have noticed a lack of traffic entering and exiting the Aerie Farms facility in recent days. Whereas once a hive of action, the Farm, as it is called by Island residents, has fallen silent.

Aerie farms fence

Extra DNA May Make Unlikely Hybrid Fish Possible

Their mothers were Russian sturgeons , their fathers were American paddlefish. “Sturddlefish” go shockingly far beyond classic crossbreeds like mules and ligers, whose parent species sit close together on the tree of life. Sturddlefish result from the merger of different taxonomic families.


The Truth About Glofish

Bob and Dawn,
Glofish are genetically modified so they look cool.
Sometimes I think I’d like to be modified so I looked cool.
Here’s a video about the pros and cons, ethics, etc.

Meet the biohacker using CRISPR to teach everyone gene editing

What a name! Josiah Zayner! I mean, if you’re gonna be a biohacker, you need a great name! I’ve got his simplest kit in my office now. I’m going to try it. If it works, I’ll try the next one up. Drella says I’m not allowed to do the tree frog mod. Bummer.

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