Cool Timeline
Gregor Johann Mendel, Augustinian friar, scientist, and gardener, founds the modern science of genetics using green and yellow peas to prove the existence of invisible “factors” that determine the traits of a plant or animal.
McClintock develops the theory of transposition among other really smart concepts. But nobody listened to her because she was a woman. She received the Nobel Prize for Physiology in 1983, after all the men figured out how smart she was.
The discovery reveals a syntax of four letters to describe all of life.
Led by Kenneth Langner and George Church, The Human Genome Project announces a plan to sequence the human genome. They anticipate the project will take fifteen years.
A furious bidding war in Hollywood for the film rights is won by Universal Studios and Steven Spielberg. Tech wizard, Barry Goff, loses the bidding war, but quietly obtains Crichton’s vast research database for an undisclosed sum.
The movie, Jurassic Park, bows to record-breaking box office receipts, introducing gene manipulation and genetic engineering to the general public.

Goff purchases 600 acres of land in the Cascade Mountains of Washington, about an hour from Seattle, and builds a laboratory with extensive security, with a mission to push the boundaries of genetics.

The modified tomatoes are advertised to ship, taste, and preserve better than natural tomatoes.
Dolly the Sheep is the first mammal cloned from an adult somatic cell, using nuclear transfer. Scientists name her Dolly after Dolly Parton, because the donor cell was taken from a mammary gland, and the scientists didn’t think it would work so they were unconcerned about naming a cloned sheep after a real human.

Aerie Laboratories, a division of Prometheus Industries, is formed on Vashon Island, Washington, with a mission of advancing a human hybrid concept under the direction of Kenneth Langner. People on Vashon Island welcome the laboratory, convinced it is a front for a marijuana grow operation.
The DNA of the fish has been modified to include the phosphorus gene of a jellyfish, so the little tetras glow when under a black light.

Created as part of The Cloven Project. No information or data is released for peer review.

The billionaire mastermind realizes the first fruits of his investment.

Prometheus Industries discloses losses of more than $1.5 billion. Scientists involved with Aerie Farms decline comment, citing binding non-disclosure agreements.

“We can make memories go away…”
Goats with spider protein in their milk that can be used to make spider silk.

Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier propose CRISPR-Cas9 can be used to target and edit specific DNA. Some in the scientific community speculate their process is refinement of Kenneth Langner’s “Cloven Sequence.” This theory is unverified due to lack of substantive documentation.